

  1. FActScore: Fine-grained Atomic Evaluation of Factual Precision in Long Form Text Generation
    Sewon Min, Kalpesh Krishna, Xinxi Lyu, and 6 more authors
    Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing , 2023


  1. Z-ICL: Zero-Shot In-Context Learning with Pseudo-Demonstrations
    Xinxi Lyu, Sewon Min, Iz Beltagy, and 2 more authors
    the Association for Computational Linguistics , 2022
  2. Rethinking the Role of Demonstrations: What makes In-context Learning Work?
    Sewon Min, Xinxi Lyu, Ari Holtzman, and 4 more authors
    Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing , 2022


  1. Prompt Waywardness: The Curious Case of Discretized Interpretation of Continuous Prompts
    Daniel Khashabi, Shane Lyu, Sewon Min, and 8 more authors
    Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics , 2021